
National Summit on Education Reform 2019

  Our team having just returned from an exciting and productive trip to the National Summit on Education Reform, CEO Steve Navarre says, “Our main mission is to forge strong relationships within the education and Tech communities. By attending the...

Introducing Marcy Canady

Project Education is excited to officially announce our newest team member and Director of Consulting Services, Marcy Canady.  Marcy is skilled at facilitating collaboration with school district teams and leaders to support successful ELL programs, professional learning community structures and leadership...

Introducing Rhonda Carr

Rhonda Carr is the Program Manager for the Project RTI program and leads RTI consulting services and professional development. Rhonda comes to Project Education from Coppell ISD where she served as the Executive Director of Intervention Services in charge of Special Education, 504,...

Hot Product Alert – Project RTI

In December of 2017, Project Education launched the Project RTI product, the only customizable RTI platform built for districts that want an RTI tracking platform with progress monitoring for all students. Districts across the nation are excited to have this powerful tool...