Our team having just returned from an exciting and productive trip to the National Summit on Education Reform, CEO Steve Navarre says, “Our main mission is to forge strong relationships within the education and Tech communities. By attending the Summit, we stand upon the national stage to build such relationships.”
Coming off our fourth visit at this conference since founding Project Education, we are looking forward to a strong 2020 and beyond. Having presented at the 2013 Summit in Boston, MA, we believe that having a seat at this table is critical to our success not only as an organization, but more importantly, for the success of the students, parents, teachers, administrators and districts we serve. We also believe that the data collected and managed tells a much broader story of strengths – and weakness – which helps us propel forward the necessary reform measures for excellence within each local community and states we serve
The Excellence in Education Foundation has put together this premier Summit to bring together educators, legislators and edtech leaders. Project Education is proud to walk alongside them as we together forge a bright path of excellence in education. Says CEO Navarre, “We look forward to working and walking together so that we can transform education reform well into the 21st century. We are truly looking forward to a continued, long association.”