Valued Partnership
We believe that quote also applies to companies and their partners. Project Education partners with successful organizations to provide the Total Solution to school districts. Each partner brings valuable knowledge and resources to help our district partners. Together, we offer solutions to improve education while increasing student performance standards. We will continue to add partners as we find companies that share our same passion for student success.
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The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative provides members—big and small—the leverage to achieve better pricing on products, equipment, and services they use every day. Project Education is an approved vendor and is available to all member districts. Contracts and vendors awarded through BuyBoard are competitively procured, to assist members with compliance with Texas local and state procurement requirements and a documented audit trail. Transparency in the procurement process is treated with a high degree of focus and is of paramount importance.

Microsoft is considered a valued partner as they provide our software and Azure Cloud services as part of our Small Business partnership.

The Multi Regional Purchasing Cooperative is a collaboration of approximately 130 member schools located in the regions served by Texas Education Service Centers 9, 11, 14 and 15. Districts in those regions have the opportunity to choose Project Education from a list of vendors who have already gone through the RFP process.

Project Education is a partner of Eduphoria for assessment data. This close partnership provides a streamlined process for data imports and exports for districts.

Choice Partners cooperative offers quality, legal procurement and contract solutions to meet the purchasing needs of school districts and other governmental entities. As a member, districts gain access to vendors who provide solutions and services without going through the RFP process. Project ELL was awarded a contract and is now an available vendor for members of Choice Partners.

TestHound is a web-based system designed to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the coordination of standardized tests. Project Education will provide assessment accommodations to TestHound for district users reducing the need for double entry of data.

Purchasing Cooperative of America (PCA) allows district members to save time and expand purchasing capabilities without adding staff and without going through a long RFP process.

Judge John Payton, of Payton, Nix & Associates, can show you how to set up your own in-district court system allowing you to take control of all of your truancy needs. The system of procedures and forms found in the Project Tribunal works with the district student information system to pull all critical data needed while tracking truancy tribunal accountability.

Districts have the opportunity to choose Project Education from a list of vendors who have already gone through the RFP process. Avant Assessments builds and delivers effective assessments of real-world proficiency, including Spanish for Heritage Learners and less commonly taught languages, such as Somali and Yup’ik. Avant’s mission is to improve the teaching and learning of language in the US and around the world through effective assessment. Project Education along with Avant Assessments can provide teachers and administrators with the most advanced, accurate tools to assess language skills and help each student reach their potential.

Together, Velazquez Press and Project Education can provide access to materials and tools for English Language Learners academic success as well as Professional Development resources.

ESL Library is a content service used in 14,000+ schools and language programs around the world, including thousands of high schools, middle schools, colleges, and universities throughout the US. New content is added to the site every month, creating an ever‑expanding library of student‑focused materials. Our lessons are based on real‑world topics and contain pair and group activities to foster more fluent conversation skills.

GILD provides data analysis, consulting services and professional development. As a partner with Project Education, we can provide the customized workshops, professional development and consulting services. When added to our Project ELL software, we provide a Total ELL Solution for districts to meet and exceed achievement goals.

Project Education and Speak Agent have partnered to address the challenge of academic language acquisition, a critical success factor for all students. Speak Agent’s multimodal, evidence-based instruction tailors to precisely match a district’s needs and can deliver progress reporting through Project Education’s customizable data management system. The combination of effective, tailored instruction and data management is powerful and high-impact. In addition to Project Education’s consulting services and professional development offerings, Speak Agent offers coaching and workshops on best practices with evidence-based learning strategies for diverse academic language learners, including ELLs, SIFE, Section 504, Special Education, and other students with learner variability.

Doctegrity, previously, provides eHealthcare and therapy from board certified primary care physicians & licensed mental health therapists available to you 24/7/365, nationwide.