There is a common truth about teachers: They KNOW how to teach. What they don’t know how to do is bend the laws of time and space. There is no way to add more time in a day, or to reclaim lost efforts.
There are, however, ways to prevent wasted time, to improve efficiency, to make work easier and results more plentiful. In other words, to unlock and unleash potential that exists within every school district, school, classroom and student in the land.
Over the course of several years, we at Project Education posed a question to hundreds of teachers and administrators: What’s holding you back? Their number-one response was simply “time” – and how the lack of it can lead to blind spots. Teachers and administrators need relevant information to make better decisions but digging through disconnected data can simply take too long.
In response, we built our company around creating a solution – a Software-as-a-Service approach to unifying the data that schools and districts already collect, and then making it accessible, understandable, and actionable.
The heart of Project Education’s technology is about empowering informed decisions. It overcomes the challenges that those hundreds of teachers told us about – the blind spots, the lagging technology, and the unwieldly data access – to help achieve significant jumps in student performance in areas like attendance, grades, and graduation rates. What’s just as real, but harder to measure, are the benefits of higher self-esteem and well-earned confidence for these young learners, essential factors for happiness and productivity.
Project Education has proven that remarkable, measurable progress can come from simple time-savings. The liberating effect of making data an easily usable asset cascades to performance improvements at every level.
It’s about time: The Project Education system is the productof intense, innovative work by developers, educators, administrators, and workflow professionals. It has blossomed into a comprehensive, ever-growing array of products that answer every teacher’s need to save time and deliver truly actionable insights that power more informed decision-making. Read about them here.