Featured Video Project GT: Implementing an Equitable Program 4/14/21 11/14/21 TAGT giftED21 Conference 10/27/21 Thoughts on Mergers/Acquisitions 10/19/21 Project ELL: Identification of Students 9/24/21 Project GT: Providing an equitable GT Program 9/24/21 Project ELL: Meeting the needs of the English Language Learner 9/22/21 The Future of Project Education 9/22/21 Meet Julie Kaiser 8/11/21 Painless Implementation 7/28/21 Meet Becky Bell 7/21/21 Project GT: Meeting the Needs of a GT Student 6/30/21 What You Should Know 4/28/21 Impact of the Pandemic 4/28/21 Struggling with Data 4/14/21 Project GT: Implementing an Equitable Program 3/21/21 The Challenges of the Pandemic